Monday, November 6, 2017

The power of motivation for productivity of the employees

What is motivation in HRM?

Motivation is the inner drive that directs a person's behavior toward goals. Motivation can be defined as a process which energizes, directs and sustains human behavior. In HRM the term refers to person's desire to do the best possible job or to exert the maximum effort to perform assigned tasks.

Why do we need motivation?

During the past where there was a time for which the employees were treated like just another machine to perform the subjected task. As the human input is not consistent as other machines, the same job can be done in a much better, quicker and efficient way by another human who is motivated and passionate on the given task compared to the former. Along with the time it was found that highly motivated people are more likely to perform much better than the others in their respective job roles. 
In conclusion motivating the employees is going to enhance the output of the designated tasks contributing in the success of an organization. 

Ways of motivating the employees in an organization 

Not everyone find their own motivation, generally it is the duty of the manager or the superior to motivate their team/sub ordinate in order to harvest their fullest potential. There are few ways and means to do that. One of the way is to observe their performance in the stipulated time period and compare it to their job description. If there is any gaps in between it’s the duty of the manager or team leader to bridge the gap by a constructive evaluation.  Based on the performance its ideal to give prompt feedback so that if any issues, it wouldn’t be carried forward but reciprocated immediately which is beneficial to the organization.  In this manner neither the organization nor the employee got the face a situation where the assigned task in not performed on the due date. Employees need to be recognized and rewarded for exceeding the expected performance. According to Professor Frederick W. Herzberg employee recognition is a tremendous motivator hence its suggested for the organization to recognize the employees during the staff meeting/gathering. 

Promoting employees who perform well to leadership roles is an effective method of motivation because not everyone is satisfied in only an increase in pay thus reducing the risk of staff turnover.  Different employees got different talents; the organization needs to give an opportunity for the employees to volunteer for tasks which are in their interested or passionate arenas resulting in boost to their level of confidence.  Generally employees take pride in the quality of the work which they do, the organization needs to take regular survey of the opinions of the employees because employees are happier and satisfied when they realize their opinion matter to the organization.